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The Annihilation Of A Dangerous Dysfunctional Republican Party To Save America?

It is not generally said verbally by the leaders in the Obama administration. It is not generally mentioned overtly on the television though fairly smart commentators on both sides of the aisle have understood it from the time the President gave his 2012 acceptance speech, his inaugural speech, and his State Of The Union Speech.

It was evident that the President was moving from backdoor dealings solely with the ‘good old boy’ network to a popular stance, a middle class centric stance that rebalances the economy. The President set up the perfect trap for the dysfunctional Republicans, the sequester. While no one wants any American to be hurt, the sequester seems to ensure that those in Republican districts and those dependent on Republican giveaways would be hurt more. It is important to note that Red States are much more dependent on the Federal Government and as such inasmuch as Republicans love to hype small government, their ideology has created a group of dependent states.

So what is the President’s plan to get policies that support the middle class and secure his legacy; the annihilation of a dangerous dysfunctional Republican Party. He will allow those that have elected leaders that lie to them, that mislead them, that pilfer them, to partially live under the policies their leaders claim is necessary even as they protect those that have had a political bias for success.

Jill Lawrence’s National Journal article “Is Obama Trying to Destroy the GOP?” statement that

Obama also mentioned income inequality, equal pay for women, equal treatment of gay people, a warm welcome for immigrants, and safety for children in Newtown, Conn., and elsewhere – an indirect reference to his gun-control agenda.

Every one of these issues fractures Republicans. The speech, devoid as it was of olive branches, played into the emerging Republican consensus that Obama is trying to divide and destroy the GOP.

is more telling about the Republican Party than not. If policies that are the essence of America’s core moral values, core middle class centric values, and core human values are enough to fracture the party, then of what use is that party to the country.

The  Washington Post article “Stymied by a GOP House, Obama looks ahead to 2014 to cement his legacy” in four short paragraphs details the plan that must be executed based on the president’s final realization that Republicans want presidential capitulation even as most Americans agree with the vast majority of his policies.

“What I can’t do is force Congress to do the right thing,” Obama told reporters at the White House on Friday after a fruitless meeting with Republican leaders to avert the country’s latest fiscal crisis, known as the sequester. “The American people may have the capacity to do that.”

Obama, fresh off his November reelection, began almost at once executing plans to win back the House in 2014, which he and his advisers believe will be crucial to the outcome of his second term and to his legacy as president. He is doing so by trying to articulate for the American electorate his own feelings — an exasperation with an opposition party that blocks even the most politically popular elements of his agenda.

Obama has committed to raising money for fellow Democrats, agreed to help recruit viable candidates, and launched a political nonprofit group dedicated to furthering his agenda and that of his congressional allies. The goal is to flip the Republican-held House back to Democratic control, allowing Obama to push forward with a progressive agenda on gun control, immigration, climate change and the economy during his final two years in office, according to congressional Democrats, strategists and others familiar with Obama’s thinking.

“The president understands that to get anything done, he needs a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives,” said Rep. Steve Israel (N.Y.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “To have a legacy in 2016, he will need a House majority in 2014, and that work has to start now.”

America is at a crossroads. The middle class and the poor is hurting. One party is offering policies to provide responsible access to success and the other is offering continued failed supply side and austerity policies that have decimated and is decimating the country at its core. The media has been derelict in its duty to provide Americans with the truth, with the information necessary for them to navigate the deceptive political waters.

While it is best to maximize compromise and minimize partisanship to develop policies to move the country forward, when one party shows only an affinity to support policies for a select few, partisanship becomes survival for most. The President has no other choice.

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