Bill Maher’s New Rule ended on a funny yet poignant and prescient note relating to the legalization of marijuana. According to Maher, pot is the new gay marriage, the next civil rights issue that needs to fall. Most importantly he points out the hypocrisy of the government and specifically the president on the issue of marijuana. After-all, how many of these leaders lives would have been so different if they had been caught smoking pot.
Below is a cleaned up transcript with the relevant snippets of his ending monologue.
What made gay marriage so normal so quickly….
They didn’t care that gay marriage wasn’t popular. They put it on the agenda and they made it popular…
This isn’t about me. It is about the three quarter of a million people who arrested for simple possession every single year and the fact that blacks are arrested at seven times the rates of whites which is a subtle way to suppress the black vote. Because 48 states limits voting rights for convicted felons….
Gay barriers fell when American realized gays are their neighbors, their friends, their family members, their coworkers. Certainly that must be true of potheads. We all know at least one. In fact I bet there is one pothead who you all know….
Makes me curious why he evolved so much on gay marriage but has actually escalated the war on pot….
At the correspondents dinner this year he joked. “I remember when BuzzFeed was something I did in college after 2 AM”, which killed in the room but perhaps not so funny to all the young lives ruined for doing the exact same thing he did back in Honolulu. A simple pot conviction can foreclose on opportunities to vote, get a job, go to college, or qualify for housing. How can our first black president and our first pothead President be aware of that and just look the other way. If anyone can say smoking pot won’t ruin your life, it’s the guy who smoked bails of it and then became leader of the free world.
Bills last two sentences say it all. How many people were able to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, and yes even presidents simply because they did not get caught when they smoked pot? Yet the unlucky many that are caught generally have their lives altered forever in some negative manner. This must change.
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he was definitely not our first pot head president. Bill Clinton did it and I am sure that George Bush did too. George Washington Grew it for pete’s sake !
He should have said that this president was the first to cop to it.
Bush was also busy skiing the alps (if you know what I mean).
Actually, Ronald Wilson Reagan was a pot smoker. If you leap back to before prohibition(s), you will find other past Presidents that used Hemp in one for or the other, like the mandate to grow it on your property, for a long time that was the law.
A ‘for’ up there should be ‘form’. ‘in one form or the other’.
In addition, people with drug convictions are not eligible for federal financial aid programs, which we know the President received because we have been informed they paid their loans off.
Why are these “pot” legalization advocates not using the law in the form of the Ninth Amendment to over turn those illegal prohibitionary laws? Are they afraid of complete freedom of intoxicants? The ninth amendment demands that each prohibition against any intoxicant, ends now. They all should have the same legal standing as Alcohol has.