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Cover Up? Uncovered News Is The Real Scandal (VIDEO)


It is called bait and switch. It is called smoke and mirrors. There are several cable news and on air news broadcast networks, MSNBC, CNN, HLN, FoxNews, ABCNew, NBC News, CBS News, NPR, Pacifica, etc. Yet, the coverage of news remains very shallow.

With that many outlets and that much air time to fill, one would expect that impactful news from around the country and around the world would be covered. Sadly, if one listens to anyone of the above mentioned networks, the same minute news sphere is covered.

America is perceived as the leader of the world. With that come responsibilities. An informed citizenry is required to elect politicians that will execute there office for the well-being of the country and the world. An uninformed citizenry is easily manipulated for the benefit of the manipulators. Because a plurality of Americans still gets their news from broadcast media, it is the tool of choice of the manipulators, the American Plutocracy.

If there was appropriate coverage of the ExxonMobil Tar Sands Pipeline Spill, would Americans not give more scrutiny to the Keystone XL pipeline? If Americans were informed ad nauseam as they are with the current crop of manufactured scandals hitting the airwaves that Canadian tar sands are simply passing through for export, provide very few jobs for the risk, and as in the oil spill in Arkansas, near impossible to clean up, would they allow this pipeline to be built?

If Americans had real coverage of how sequester is financially affecting millions of their fellow citizens, the hardships they are going through, the permanent damage to the education of our children, the damage to small businesspersons, and much more, would they not revolt and force our government to act? They certainly would.

If Americans were informed of the environmental, economic, and political damage many corporations do to communities in foreign countries under America’s namesake, would Americans be as willing to intervene in these countries to protect corporate interests? If that were the case there would not have been an Iraq war or Afghanistan war.

If Americans were informed of the real fraud against the middle class that is the current tax paradigm, they would revolt. If Americans were informed of the real reasons behind income and wealth disparity in the US as opposed to allowing manipulators free access to misinform, Americans would elect more representatives that would effect middle class centric policies.

Things are never as they seem. The mainstream media keeps the populace distracted generally with frivolities as decisions that are impactful and many times damaging to the middle class remain uncovered and under the radar. The real scandal in America is that there is a big cover up. There is a cover up of real news. The free press is really the owned and manipulated press.

There is hope and resolve however. As long as the fight to keep the Internet open and accessible remains, those wanting to provide real information and news will provide it. It is incumbent on them however to ensure it reaches the ‘necessary’ consumer.

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