Several months ago, we reported on a case before the Supreme Court, Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, in which nine activists from the Ogoni community in the Niger Delta (the ‘Ogoni Nine’) were executed for protesting against the devastating impact of Shell’s operations there. A case was filed under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS) in the US, and was decided in April. The case hung on two points:
On the second point, a US corporation could be sued under the ATS provided those abuses took place in the US or on the high seas. The Court has unanimously given to US corporations a free pass to go into business with any foreign despot or tyrant and to partake in human rights abuses with impunity in any foreign country in their endless pursuit of profits. How this ruling affects the hearts and minds of the global community once American corporations, in cahoots with anti-democratic regimes, employ human rights abuses as a routine course of business, to run roughshod over the protest of local communities, is yet to be revealed. Now is the time to get involved – we must reign in giant, multinational corporations run amok! We must start by getting them out of the US Constitution so we can put them in their place domestically and offer support to people of the world whose human rights, natural environments, and communities are being trampled. If you’re not already involved in the Move to Amend campaign please take this opportunity to sign up to volunteer or become a monthly donor. We cannot win without your active support! Yours in the struggle, Ashley Sanders, Daniel Lee, David Cobb, Egberto Willies, George Friday, Jerome Scott, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Laura Bonham, Maria Agosto, Nancy Price, Pam Brown, Richard Monje Move to Amend National Leadership Team PS — Tune in this Thursday to Move to Amend Reports, our weekly internet radio show. Our guest will be Richard Monje, the newest member of the Move to Amend National Leadership Team. Richard is an experienced union organizer with a rich history of working for worker’s rights. We’re thrilled to have him on our team! Get to know him better by tuning in on Thursday, June 6 at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern to Move to Amend Reports. This is a call-in show so feel free to ask questions.
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