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NOT GUILTY: Trayvon Martin’s Life Worth Less Than That Of A Dog (VIDEO)

Trayvon Martin

Trayvon Martin Killer Found Not Guilty

Trayvon Martin did not deserve this verdict. I try to remain race neutral as much as possible as it is hard enough to be listened to outside the veil of the skin. This one is hard. In a gun crazy country, being a man or boy walking in black or brown skin is now a hazard to your health. I find it amazing how easy 5 mothers were able to accept the demonization of a kid to provide comfort to free his killer. Trayvon did nothing different than the average teenager of his age. It is just that he did it in the wrong skin color and in the wrong culture. Anyone thinking this is justice must check their heart.

I got push back when I wrote “I was Trayvon Martin the day I came to America”. Is it not prescient  now?


CNN Reports:

(CNN) — George Zimmerman never denied shooting Trayvon Martin, saying he did so in self defense. Late Saturday night, a Florida jury found him not guilty in the teenager’s death.

The verdict caps a case that has inflamed passions for well over a year, much of it focused on race and gun rights.

The six jurors — all of them women — deliberated for 16½ hours total, including 13 on Saturday alone, before delivering their verdict. Five of the women are white, one is a minority.


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