Trayvon Martin Killer Found Not Guilty
Trayvon Martin did not deserve this verdict. I try to remain race neutral as much as possible as it is hard enough to be listened to outside the veil of the skin. This one is hard. In a gun crazy country, being a man or boy walking in black or brown skin is now a hazard to your health. I find it amazing how easy 5 mothers were able to accept the demonization of a kid to provide comfort to free his killer. Trayvon did nothing different than the average teenager of his age. It is just that he did it in the wrong skin color and in the wrong culture. Anyone thinking this is justice must check their heart.
I got push back when I wrote “I was Trayvon Martin the day I came to America”. Is it not prescient now?
(CNN) — George Zimmerman never denied shooting Trayvon Martin, saying he did so in self defense. Late Saturday night, a Florida jury found him not guilty in the teenager’s death.
The verdict caps a case that has inflamed passions for well over a year, much of it focused on race and gun rights.
The six jurors — all of them women — deliberated for 16½ hours total, including 13 on Saturday alone, before delivering their verdict. Five of the women are white, one is a minority.
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Of these six jurors, five of them were mothers. With their verdict, they basically said it’s okay in Florida for a stranger to stalk their children at night for no good reason, and if their children were to confront such a stalker and defend themselves, it’s okay for the stalker to shoot their child in the heart and kill them. I hope such a fate is visited upon each and every juror’s children. It would serve them right.
Agreed! This sets a ridiculous precedent. If you want to kill a black person, all you have to do is start a fight with them, and when they defend themselves… BANG.
Randy, how about this. How about I hand you a gun loaded and ready to go. I lure you into a dark alley and confront you, taking the first shot with my fist across your nose. I finally land on top of you after still throwing hard punches. I lock you down on the ground by straddling you, pummeling your head while it’s on concrete. You are dazed and still can’t see well in the dark. The only thing you have to fight back with is the gun. What do you do?
Yeah…. thought so.
Here’s the thing: being afraid of someone because they are different from you has been the justification for most of the murders and atrocities we hold up in history classes as examples of HOW NOT TO BEHAVE. You want pogroms in the streets, again? You want white people to slaughter white people because they dress differently? We have civilization because we agree not to kill each other over shit like this. The monster lies beneath the thin, thin skin of every one of us, constrained only by our agreement that killing each other is bad for business.
People just don’t get the jury system. The prosecution didn’t come close to proving their case. By law, if there is a reasonable doubt you must vote for acquittal. Based on what evidence would you vote guilty? Even the prosecution witnesses helped the defense. There was just no evidence to show guilt no matter what the truth was.