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Old McCain Back? He Excoriates Islamophobic Fox News Host (VIDEO)

John McCain On Fox News With Islamophobic Brian Kilmeade

John McCain On Fox News With Islamophobic Brian Kilmeade

The old McCain seem to be peeking his head out of the morass of the half decade long willful ignorance of his Party. This is bad when he supports military action against Syria that will likely fail and pull America into a quagmire. One would hope that hawkish McCain would stay away.

It was however refreshing when McCain forcefully pushed back on Fox News’ Kilmeade who said he had a problem helping Syrian rebels who after shooting down a Syrian army aircraft, shouted “Allahu Akbar”. McCain’s response was a classic. He said, “Would you have a problem with American Christians saying, ‘Thank God, thank God’? That’s what they’re saying. Come on. Of course, they are Muslims, but they are moderates. And I guarantee you that they are moderates. … For someone to say Allahu Akbar is about as offensive as someone saying Thank God”.

If more Republicans, Democrats, and others would enlighten Americans about Islam as just another religion with good and bad just as is the Christian religion, then the unnecessary fear by many Christians would be mitigated. Rest assured most Muslims are quite enlightened about Christianity.

One must not forget that within the Christian history of yesteryear there was the Inquisition. One should not forget that the turmoil throughout Christianity is not unlike what Muslims are going through.  One should not also forget that much of America’s domestic terrorism is at the hands of very Right Wing purported evangelical Christians (e.g, Abortion doctor killer Scott Roeder, and Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh).

Additional Sources: Addicting Info

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