
- On Syria President Obama likely saying: People, calm down. I got this. He probably ‘got this’:
President Obama on Sunday hailed the agreement reached with Russia over the weekend to seize and destroy Syria’s chemical weapons as a “foundation” that could eventually lead to a political settlement of the civil war that has gripped that nation and killed tens of thousands of people over the past two years.
Mr. Obama said the United States was in a “better position” to prevent President Bashar al-Assad of Syria from using poison gas again because of the deal hammered out by Secretary of State John Kerry and Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister.
- Is this fun to watch or what, “The Annual Republican Crisis”:
The fiscal year is about to end, so the annual awakening of Tea Party Republicans in the House and Senate is about to begin. Most of the time they sit around and do virtually nothing but gripe (they have made the current Congress the least productive ever), but a new fiscal year finally gives them a chance to govern the only way they know how: by creating a false crisis in order to tear down a piece of the government.
- Bill Maher: Forget the Syria debate, we need to debate on why we’re always debating whether to bomb someone,” … “Because we’re starting to look, not so much like the world’s policeman, but more like George Zimmerman — itching to use force and then pretending it’s because we had no choice.”
- Libertarian Republicans and Liberal Democrats: Marriage or 1-Night Stand?
Despite a sudden and strong alliance over opposition to war in Syria, the two groups have little else in common and no one to bring them together.
- Five myths about cruise missiles.
There are not many heroes in the should-we-bomb-Syria debate, but if there is one, it might be the cruise missile. For weeks the news media have discussed the positioning in the Mediterranean of American destroyers and submarines, which carry the Tomahawk cruise missile. And whether arguing pro or con, most of the politicians and military experts have come back to it as the central instrument of U.S. power in this curious crisis. Let’s examine misconceptions about America’s apparent weapon of choice in Syria.
- The flood that just won’t quit.
When the rains began to fall last week, Coloradans exhaled. It had been a long, terrible summer of drought and deadly wildfires, and the afternoon downpours soaking parched soil felt a lot like salvation.
But then, in this land known for dryness, the rain would not stop.
The flooding that has ravaged — and continues to ravage — a 150-mile-long stretch of Colorado’s Front Range has left at least four dead. More than 500 people are unaccounted for. Are they dead? Trapped? Or simply without power or phone service?
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