It’s 2013 and the Constitutional separation between church and state is still being debated in Texas and around the country.
- When Texas passed some of the most restrictive abortion provisions in the country, State Senator Eddie Lucio read five Bible verses into the official record and Senator Dan Patrick asked, “How would God vote on [this bill]?”.
- Despite the Supreme Court’s DOMA ruling and the Pentagon’s granting of benefits to same-sex partners of service members, Texas military forces are still denied such benefits based on a State Constitutional Amendment passed in 2005 defining marriage according to biblical principles (between one man and one woman).
- The Texas State Board of Education is considering including creationism in Science textbooks.
- In Kountze, Texas, public school cheerleaders place scripture verses on the run-through posters at football games.
These are just a few examples of attempts to erode the wall of separation between church and state.
What does separation of church and state mean today? Americans United for Separation of Church of State (AU) is bringing to Houston retired Bishop Eugene Robinson to address the issue. Co-sponsored by the Greater Houston Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church of State (HAU) and 14 religious and community organizations.
Please come, bring a friend and help spread the word about this special program.
Purchase your tickets today at http://auhouston.org/?p=1179
Website: http://auhouston.org
Email: americansunited.houstonchapter@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/19orBwo
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