Bob Ehrlich don’t want men to pay for mammograms.
The best part of last night’s Real Time with Bill Maher occurred after the show. On Overtime there was an epic battle between Liberal Dan Savage and Right Wing Republican Conservative Bob Ehrlich. Ehrlich seems to have been drunk the Tea Party wine since he was a bit more moderate when he was in the House of Representatives. In the process he has become a troglodyte.
Bob Ehrlich claims that 80% of Americans were happy with their healthcare insurance. He says President Obama upended the entire system to fix that. He neglected to state that most people do not know that their policies, even the good ones, could leave them bankrupt. He neglected to state that those with insurance were indirectly paying for the uninsured. This made their rates increasingly higher. It is not the implementation of the Affordable Care Act doing this.
Bob Ehrlich then made a rather sexist, chauvinistic, and backward thinking statement. He said, “Men don’t need mammograms.” Paul Begala countered appropriately, “Many of them have mothers who do.” Bob Ehrlich was implying that since women need mammograms etc., their cost should be higher. What about prostate exams, biopsies, erectile dysfunction, male specific depression, etc.?
The coup de grace occurred when Dan Savage excoriated Bob Ehrlich for his hypocritical attack on the Affordable Care Act. Dan Savage pointed out that Obamacare was the creation of the Conservative Think Tank Heritage Foundation. Bob Ehrlich tried to deny it but was smacked down by most of the panelists. Does he not know he was in the midst of an intelligent audience capable of research?
When Bob Ehrlich continued attacking the ills of the Affordable Care Act, Dan Savage sarcastically conceded. He said, “I completely agree with you. The Right Wing plan for healthcare is bad for everybody in this country and we should adopt the socialist Single Payer model and not this crap cooked up by the Heritage Foundation and adopted by a Democratic president.”
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Hey, I didn’t want to pay for Dick Cheney’s heart transplant, but that’s the way it goes!