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David Plouffe And Chris Cillizza scolds GOP Sen John Cornyn Iran talk

Chris Cillizza John Cornyn David Plouffe

Iran Accords Battle
Chris Cillizza, John Cornyn, David Plouffe, Iran

Republican Senator John Cornyn responded to the President Obama’s new success story, the Iran nuclear accords with the following tweet. As usual, he tries to conflate every Obama policy, statement, or accomplishment with the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare.

The Iran 6 month deal is an accomplishment no matter Cornyn’s spin. David Plouffe, past Obama campaign manager fired back with the epic response. Cornyn’s Obamacare tunnel vision fails him.

.Washington Post Chris Cillizza gets it with the tweet of his article.


In the article Cillizza makes a few points worth noting.

Unfortunately these Republican shenanigans will continue for the foreseeable future.  It will inhibit governing because of the false ‘un-trust’ the Republicans have of this president. The Republican House must be voted out so governing can return.

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