Michael Dunn verdict proves as a black man my life has no value.
Yet again as a black man I feel naked. A black man’s life means so little in our justice system that it gives crackpots the necessary plausible deniability to kill without fear of being convicted. Michael Dunn, the murderer of Jordan Davis, received a hung jury for the first degree murder.
It is amazing that there was a hung jury for the murder of the black boy, Jordan Davis, while there was a conviction for those that lived (attempted murder).
Dunn left his car. Dunn approached these boys. Michael Dunn argued with these boys. Michael Dunn shot at these boys. He killed Jordan Davis. He left the scene. Michael Dunn never called 911. Michael Dunn created a story of the presence of a gun by the young black boys that was never found. What else does it take for an innocent dead black man to get his day in court?
Most Americans are good people. It is time to speak up. Your politicians are passing laws that are disproportionately affecting black and brown people. If the converse were true, would you not be reacting? All Americans should be revolting. They should be forcing the politicians to correct these laws.
Michael Dunn must be laughing in his sick mind. Check out this video of the neighbor’s statement about Michael Dunn released by Jordan Davis’ family attorney.
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What is wrong with this country?
These kids were unarmed.
Michael Dunn went on record saying he shot them because they “defied” him. (Changing his story later to come up with the phantom reason to be afraid– no witness or evidence corroberated). What part of this was a HATE crime do we not understand? Since when has being a teen and playing one one’s music too loud become a crime punishable by death? We need to get a grip, and fast.
Once again, excellent job Egberto!
Thanks my friend.