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Senator Wendy Davis Post Rally Unreported New Conference In Houston (VIDEO)

Wendy Davis Greg Abbott

Senator Wendy Davis came to Houston where she announced her Pre-K education program at a large rally. Most of the Houston media outlets were present for her news conference that followed. All but one of the major TV stations covered the event in any detail on the evening news. Above is the raw news conference. If anyone doubts that alternate media will be required to inform Texans, this was an ample example.

Senator Wendy Davis was asked how she intended to pay for her education program. She said there are existing resources. There is enough money to pay for her program. She said long term with projected growth in revenues there is enough to cover it through two to three decades. She attributes the increase in revenue to the good business climate that will be maintained.

Wendy Davis said even the business community is talking about the importance of making sure that investments are made in education. This education will be necessary to fill future jobs.

When asked to respond to Greg Abbott’s statement that Wendy Davis cared more about the teachers than students, she pounced. “I think it’s absurd to say that I don’t care about children in Texas,” Wendy Davis replied. “I have long been a strong fighter for Texas schools. In 2011 I stood and I filibustered against $5.4 billion in cuts that hurt Texas children. Make no mistake about that. Meanwhile, Greg Abbott has been in court for months fighting to defend those cuts, in fact fighting to defend $200 million in cuts to Pre-K education specifically. My heart, my effort, my work, everything I do as a Texas Senator and will do as Texas governor will be with our children, first and foremost in my mind. They are our most precious asset. And investing and making sure that they are part of the promise of tomorrow should be job number one for the next governor.”

Later on Wendy Davis said that standardize tests have gotten out of control. She said some headway was made in reducing the burden in high school. She then said Greg Abbott would actually have 4 year olds tested. She said Greg Abbott’s program would leave many children behind.

This was the best answer given by Wendy Davis.

Wendy Davis was then asked if Greg Abbott cared about children. Her response was a response that everyone running against a Republican could make. “Greg Abbott’s policies suggest otherwise,” she said.

Wendy Davis
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