Morning Joe tackled the issue of equal pay for women today.It turns out that Joe Scarborough did the right thing by his cohost Mika Brzezinski. As Mika recounts it, he told her what he made. He backed her up when she went to management to get it taken care of. And her “progressive boss” ensured she was compensated appropriately. Of course one wonders how progressive her boss could be if she had to go to him for equal pay after the fact.
What was obvious is that Joe Scarborough unbeknownst to himself is in battle with Joe Scarborough. While he did right by Mika Brzezinski he is against some codification of laws that mitigate the reality that equal pay laws have not and are not working. He along with most Republicans continues to put an ideology that believes in a nonexistent market that corrects all wrongs. This theology can only go so far till people’s pains begin crashing down into reality.
Dana Milbank gets the political impact of GOP policy on women right.
Dana Milbank’s WaPo piece, “Republicans kiss votes from women goodbye,” nails it. His piece can be summarized with the following observations.
- A Republican congressman that ran on family values gets caught in an affair with a woman on his staff. Who loses their job? The woman loses her job.
- Eric Cantor (R-VA) as opposed to acknowledging there is really a wage gap in his news conference, wants Democrats to “put the politics aside” and talk with Republicans about “things that we can do together, things that disproportionately impact women, without playing politics.”
- Mitch McConnell even as he faces a woman running against him, calls voting on women centric policies show votes..
- According to the National Women’s Law Center Paul Ryan’s budget disproportionately cut women’s benefits.
- The portions of government expenditures like the military that help mostly men are relatively untouched.
- GOP media like Breitbart News continue their misogyny.
- George Bush’s CIA director Michael Hayden attempts to discredit Senator Dianne Feinstein by referring to her scrutiny of the CIA as “emotional.”
If women begin to vote their interests in waves, policies will change. If Republicans refuse to support women centric policies, they will be extinct.
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