Brandon Creighton Seems Happy To Let Texans Die
I just received my mail today. I got this unsolicited piece from State Representative Brandon Creighton. He wants to be my State Senator. He wants to be the State Senator representing Texas Senate District 4.
I live in this district. I have been around this district. Does Brandon Creighton know how many in this district he wants to serve need medical care? Does he know how many would benefit if he accepted the Medicaid Expansion to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare, ACA, or whatever you want to call it?)
Brandon Creighton with much bravado says the following in his flyer..
While Liberal Republicans Folded…
Brandon Creighton stayed strong. Brandon rallied his colleagues and placed a provision in the Texas state budget that PROHIBITS Texas from adopting ObamaCare’s Medicaid expansion, even as Republicans and all Democrats worked against him.
What exactly does that mean? It means that this man that wants to be our State Senator cares more about his ideological purity than humanity.
Here is the truth. Do not listen to politicians. Get the objective facts from objective sources.
- ·hether Texas accepts the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare or not, we are paying for it.
- The first three years of the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare cost the state nothing.
- After three years if the state decides to stay in the program the Federal government pays 90% of the bill.
Given that irrespective of what Texas does, we are footing the bill, it is fiscally irresponsible and inhumane to not accept the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare. It will help many in Senate District 4. It will allow many to heal and eventually become productive citizens.
If Brandon Creighton really cared, would he not accept the expansion until he created a Texas solution? The problem is he has nothing to help his constituents even as he prevents them from getting help. Brandon Creighton writes the following in his flyer.
I’m also a small businessman and a lifetime member of the First Baptist Church of Conroe. My wife of 13 years, Fawn, and I are proud to raise our children, Presleigh, 11 and Cannon, 4 in this part of Texas.
Does Brandon Creighton think Jesus would approve of inhumanely sentencing many of his constituents to death? I imagine he has a beautiful family. Many Texans in this district would love to have access to the health and success he is depriving them of with his ideological rigidity and disregard for humanity.
When you go to the polls, you must decide if you want the blood of your fellow Texans on your hand. You must decide if it is going to be humanity over cruel disregard.
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I have no party affiliation, but I do vote in every election and study each of the candidates to be as informed as possible before casting my vote. I, too, am a citizen of Texas Senate District 4 and a resident of Montgomery County.
Here are my observations during the Senate Campaign for District 4.
1.) Of the four candidates, two have had hand in the cookie jar of the county getting and receiving either directly or indirectly funds from developers and the county and therefore enriching themselves at the expense of taxpayers. Those two are Brandon Creighton and Mike Galloway
2.) One candidate is receiving campaign contributions from any PAC or WACK job regardless of affiliation or scruples and will say and do anything to take this seat. To the point or using religious demagoguery of any that challenges his record of sincerity. That would be Steve Toth.
3.) Three of the candidates are self professed professional politicians. Sure we can trust them because they can live on the $600 per month stipend the state gives them. That would be Brandon Creighton, Steve Toth and Mike Galloway.
4.) Democrats can vote in this election but either they are stupid to realize it affects them or resigned to the fact they think that they cannot make a difference. YOU NEED TO WAKE UP.
5.) The only candidate that is a clear choice, who comes off as articulate and intelligent. Has demonstrated a clear view of the issues… i.e. Infrastructure, TWIA (Texas Wind Insurance) problem, taxes and is NOT BEHOLDEN to anyone but the voters of this district is GORDY BUNCH.
So, you read my rant. Look it up yourself. If I were you I would vote for Gordy Bunch. Let’s get a businessman that knows how to run a successful business and not anymore professional politicians.