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Conservatives Bill Kristol & SE Cupp Slams Rancher Cliven Bundy (VIDEO)

SE Cupp

Many conservatives have been coming to the defense of deadbeat tax and fee evading rancher Cliven Bundy. Fox News has been irresponsibly adding gasoline to the fire as they gave Cliven Bundy and his gang of domestic terrorists a platform.

Martha Raddatz asked if Senator Harry Reid’s (D-NV) characterization of Cliven Bundy as a domestic terrorist was appropriate. Today sanity reigned from two conservatives. SE Cupp and Bill Kristol did not defend Cliven Bundy. While they took exception to Harry Reid’s characterization of Cliven Bundy as a terrorist, they made it quite evident he was not their hero. One wonders if they were listening to Kystal Ball and her excoriation of these false patriots.

ThisWeek Transcript – SE Cupp, Donna Brazile, & Bill Kristol

Martha Raddatz: This is what Harry Reid, the Senator from Nevada said about this.

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV): These people who hold themselves out to be patriots are not, they’re nothing more than domestic terrorists. I repeat, what went on up there is domestic terrorism.

Martha Raddatz: Domestic terrorism, Bill Kristol.

Bill Kristol: I’m not sure I’d use that phrase, but he’s no hero, Cliven Bundy, and the people who rallied to threaten force against law enforcement agents doing what they were authorized to do by courts and by their superiors are no heroes either. There are ways to change the law. He went through court, I gather, this gentleman, for about 20 years. He kept losing court cases. If the federal government controls too many — too much land in Nevada and the west, which they do, there are ways to change that legally too.

Martha Raddatz: But what about the precedence that’s set here. The BLM backed off. I mean, we don’t know what they’re going to do next, but they backed off in this situation.

Donna Brazile: First of all, that was the right thing to do to try to, you know, simmer things down. Remember, this is the 19th anniversary of the Oklahoma bombing. So this notion that Mr. Bundy has no other recourse but violence is absolute — anti-government violence — is absolutely wrong. He’s been waging this battle for two decades. He lost. Everybody else is paying their grazing fees. He should pay his fees as well.

SE Cupp: …reluctant to compare Bundy to Timothy McVeigh. And I think what Harry Reid said was despicable. But I do agree with Bill.

There’s a role for civil disobedience. I’m not sure this is the best quality example of it. This is a guy who didn’t start out to start a revolution. He just didn’t want to pay his grazing fees. And there are better ways to go about it than…

Martha Raddatz: Just didn’t want to pay grazing fees, about $1 million worth of grazing fees.

SE Cupp: No, that’s right.

Donna Brazille: That’s right. Everybody else is paying their fees.

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