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Wakeup! You are about to lose access to the Internet as you know it (VIDEO)


We must demand equal access to the Internet

The traditional news media have been a sham for some time now. Many have been warning for some time now that inasmuch as the news media and other outlets are controlled by the American Plutocracy, the average American citizen still had options. After-all, we all continued to have equal access to the Internet.

That equal access allowed independent journalists, bloggers, and other providers of otherwise uncovered prescient information, the ability to provide real news to the public at large. Today `FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and two fellow Democrats voted to advance a proposal that will in effect make the Internet pay for reliable play. They are changing the tenets of Net Neutrality. Reuters reported the following a few minutes ago.

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission on Thursday voted 3-2 along party lines to formally propose new “net neutrality” rules that may let Internet service providers charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to users.

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s two fellow Democrats on the five-member commission concurred with Wheeler for a 3-2 vote to advance his proposal and begin formally collecting public comment, though they expressed misgivings about the plan.

The Internet is the last bridge left between democracy and the populace. Americans must wake up before it is too late. The Plutocracy depends on everyone being oblivious to what is occurring behind closed corporate and government doors.

If the Internet becomes shackled by corporate interests and corporate profits as the traditional media has, democracy is not only in peril. It is unattainable.

For more information about the implications of this decision check out Move to Amend Report’s radio interview with Joseph Torres, Senior External Affairs Director for Free Press.

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