Force fitting a false mid-term narrative
A democracy requires a free independent press. The 1st Amendment of the constitution codifies that right. Unfortunately while the press represented by the traditional media has the right to be free, it has chosen indentured servitude to the American plutocracy.
There are severe dangers to this eventuality. Specifically the traditional media has become the arm used to manufacture or hide real news. Many times it creates the path that makes the desired policy outcomes of the plutocracy tomorrow’s reality.
The mid-term narrative is that the party in the sixth year of an administration will take a beating at the polls. In other words, Democrats will lose the Senate, some House seats, and governorships thus leaving an impotent president. Red States Senators are supposed to take a beating because their constituents hate President Obama and his poll numbers are in the toilet (well near the toilet they imply).
Activists know that Americans are not dumb. Generally many are just misinformed. Eventually however truth becomes the disinfectant that cleans up many messes. McCarthyism was exposed. The false rationale for many prejudices was exposed. The false narrative for many of our wars was exposed.
Many unreported realities are all around us yet unreported by the traditional media in any substantive manner. How many realize that the Rasmussen daily tracking poll, a conservative poll, has President Obama with a 50% approval rating? How many know that the Gallup daily tracking poll is currently at 45% but that he has been skirting 50% at times? How many know that the five supposedly endangered Red State Southern Democratic Senators are virtually even or leading in every race?
Did you know that the governor’s race in Georgia is very competitive? Did you know that the failure of the Republican governor to accept the Medicaid expansion to Obamacare could cost him that race?
The narrative is that Democratic voters fall off more than Republican voters in the midterms. Should it not have been news that the virtually uncontested Democratic Senate race in Kentucky drew more voters than the contested Republican Senate race (402,421 vs 355,132)?
The traditional media narrative on Republican governors gave the impression that their governance would propel them to the possibility of being president. How many know that where these governors have been able to institute their policies substantially they have decimated their states’ coffers.
How many know that Governor Chris Christie (R-NJ) is robbing the pensions of those he extracted concessions from? He tries to blame others while refusing any increases in revenues.
Kansas Governor Sam Brownback (R-KS) instituted standard Republican policies. He cut taxes, cut education budgets, and turned down the Medicaid Expansion to Obamacare. He preached the same trickle down nonsense that has never worked. His state’s revenue has dropped dramatically. How many know that he is now in a dead heat with his potential Democratic rival Rep. Paul Davis (D-KS).
Did you know that media darling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s (R-WI) 7 point lead in the poll has vanished? He is now tied with his Democratic challenger Mary Burke (D-WI).
Did you know that a general election beatable Chris McDaniel may beat incumbent Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS)? This puts a solid Southern senate seat in play.
The traditional media has laid out a narrative. To most of them reality does not matter. They fit everything into that narrative. They ignore what does not fit. The problem is that this behavior can promote self-fulfilling prophecies. If one believes the outcome is already baked, then why vote.
It is that behavior that activists must mitigate. These narratives are not just journalistic heresy. They are intentional. Journalists are not dumb. They simply know who signs their checks. They know what is expected of them and they oblige.
The traditional media are not oblivious to their narrative falling apart. They are petrified that everyone else will realize it. It is for this reason they figuratively ask, “Are you going to believe me or are you going to believe your lying eyes?”
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“Activists know that Americans are not dumb.” Not so sure about that one. Ever since Nixon won in a landslide against a very smart, very courageous, very moral man in McGovern, I have question that kind of statement.