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Politics Done Right on Coffee Party Radio – Seeding Community Change Sat 12-1PM CST

Politics Done Right,KPFT,90.1 FM,Egberto Willies,Coffee Party,pdr

Politics Done Right
Egberto Willies

Saturday 12:00 Noon Central
Call (646) 929-2495 to talk to me live.
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Politics Done Right,KPFT,90.1 FM,Coffee Party,Egberto Willies,Traditional Media,Robert Bergdahl

This week’€™s show
June 28th, 2014

This week I am at the Texas Democratic Convention. I am a delegate along with many other Kingwood Area Democrats. Bobby Rodrigo was kind enough to step in for me this week. Anyone who knows Bobby Rodrigo knows he does not like any of our current major political parties. He made sure to give me a civil Coffee Party like ribbing about my full involvement with the Democratic Party. But that’s is what Coffee Party USA is all about. It is about being able to work together, like each other even if we are at opposite ends of the spectrum or have any types of disagreements. Bobby Rodrigo embodies that.

Here is the Bobby’s show.

Seeding Community Change


Becoming an entrepreneur, starting a business, is one of the most enduring and powerful myths in out culture. Captains of Industry are lauded as dacoits of society and too often portrayed as better citizens than the rest of us. This is NOT what moved Kwabena Nkromo to launch Atlanta Food and Farm LLC or AF2 as it is affectionately referred to his team. Less inspired by the conventional Horatio Alger ideal Kwabena was determined to find a pathway to greater wealth and well being for his entire community in addition to himself and his family and friends.

Kwabena does not consider himself a business person per say. When he established a Food Justice and Urban Farming Social Enterprise it was more about a personal transformation for him and the other people working with him rather than simply earning profits.

Today I introduce Kwabena and the organization he founded to Coffee Party and discuss how he did it and why what he is doing in Atlanta is so very important.

Join me Bobby Rodrigo as I guest host on Politics Done Right this Saturday.

You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

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