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Bill Maher slams Republicans for perennial lying – Zombie Lies

Bill Maher Zombie Lies Republican

Bill Maher coins new term for GOP misinformation, Zombie Lies

Bill Maher’s New Rules was an excellent take down of the lying industrial complex. He laid out in detail the manner in which irrespective of evidence Republicans blatantly lie about issue after issue seemingly without any consequence.

Bill Maher noted that all the lies about Obamacare have been disproven. The lies about Iraq have as well. Yet, in the closed echo chamber in much of today’s Republican Party, reality does not seem to matter.

Bill Maher final New Rules follow.

Now that there has been an uproar over all the neocons who lied about the Iraq War with no consequences someone must tell me why there isn’t a similar uproar over all the Republicans who lied about Obamacare with no consequences. It’s been four years since the bill passed. Has anybody come across even one death panel?

Look, I get it. Neither party has a monopoly on lying. And in fact they all do it so often they invented their own word for it. I misspoke.  .. But how come the rule for one party, the Republican Party, is that when they get caught in a lie, they don’t have to stop telling it.

They said Obamacare would use death panels. It doesn’t. They said it was a government takeover. And the insurance industry is making record profits. They said it covers illegals. It doesn’t. They said it was a job killer. It hasn’t been. …

Now for sure Obama also told a lie. He said everyone who likes their healthcare plan can keep it. And for about 2% of the population that did turn out to be false. The difference is he stopped saying it. He stepped up and said you’re right, my bad. Because he understands there is this thing called observable reality. …

But on the Republican side, observable reality needs more study. Which is why their talking points that have been disproven remain. … It reminds me of a horror movie. You’ve think you killed the lie, but it won’t stay dead. Which is why I call them Zombie Lies.

Yes, Zombie Lies. Remember fracking doesn’t cause earthquakes? Zombie Lie so stop saying it. Voter fraud? We studied it. It is not an actual problem. Stop Zombie Lying about it. Their entire economic philosophy, cut taxes for the rich, it trickles down is a Zombie lie. …

Dick Chaney who did not bother in his recent return from the dead to update the lies he told about Iraq the first time. He is still out their saying, ‘Well Saddam was building a bomb and he was working with Al-Qaeda.’ What? …

There is no shame in their game. One week they are out there saying no one will sign up for Obamacare. And the next week, ‘Oh, OK they signed up. Sure OK but they aren’t paying the premiums. Oh they are? OK oh well they are paying but it’s not the young people. Oh it is? It’s the young people? Ah OK but it only covers you if you are gay.’

You know you just want to go, wait, when did we switch over? What happened to yesterday’s lie? It’s still out there forever. And now we are just using the new one?

Yes because what they do is they pass a Zombie Lie down to dumber and dumber people who believe it more and more. Hank Paulson may be over the one about climate change being a hoax. But it is still good enough for Sean Hannity, who then gets quoted by Michele Bachmann, who forms the intellectual core of the thinking of Victoria Jackson. And when you think the Zombie lie has finally gone to die at the idea hospice of the absolutely stupidest people on earth, there it is being retweeted by Donald Trump.

Over time many have been using their platforms to dispel the perennial lies on the Right. Stephen Colbert did a rather funny one. Chris Hayes did several as well.

The lying will continue. When an ideology has failed, it’s the last act before it has to be shredded for good and a new one adopted.

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