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Jon Stewart comes out swinging in support of the kid refugees
Jon Stewart’s take on the behavior of many Americans’ display of hate and intolerance towards the mostly children refugees from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador was epic. His piece accurately portrayed the insidiousness and ignorance of the protestors. Most importantly he showed the hypocrisy of the Right.
Jon Stewart started the piece he titled ‘America’s immigration crisis: Kid Edition’ by first using news clips to detail the crisis. Since October over 52,000 kids from three Central American countries have been flooding the US-Mexican border, primarily Texas. They are fleeing poverty and extreme violence.
“There are kids in trouble,” Jon Stewart said. “I was always taught by my parents to follow the golden rule. Whenever you see a kid in trouble, yell at them in a language they don’t understand.” Prescient.
John Stewart then showed clips of an out of control mob shouting at the kid refugees. “Go Home,” one angry protester shouted. “Not our kids. Not our problem,” another one shouted. “If Obama likes them so much, let them stay at the Whitehouse,” a hateful man shouted.
John Stewart shows the idiocy of the argument that the Obama administration was responsible for the wave of children. There are many factors that are immediately obvious. The complexity in seeking asylum through process is a paperwork labyrinth. One must also remember that American TV is broadcasted worldwide. John Stewart showed clips of many from the sect that so oppose having the kid refugees in America proselytizing America as the country everyone wants to be in. The land of milk and honey.
“You may be wondering, if they didn’t fill out the forms, can’t we just deport these kids?” Jon Stewart said. “But first of all, what the f$ck is wrong with you? These are children. Why would you even ask that? And second of all good question.” He then points out that a 2008 law signed by President George W. Bush prevents the children from non-contiguous countries from being deported.
Jon Stewart moves on to Rep Louie Gohmert. “Ah, Representative Louie Gohmert, he is like Old Faithful,” Jon Stewart said. “But instead of hot water it regularly shoots out stupid.” Gohmert believes the flood of refugees is an invasion. As such the Constitution gives the Congress the right to call in the military. Really? To do what? Shoot the kids before they hit American soil?
Jon Stewart goes on to show that America has always been resistant to the next immigrant. Of course it depended on who and where the other immigrants are from that determines the level of objection. His final statement has become a new truth, “Lady Liberty may appear to be a beacon to those yearning to breathe free,” Jon Stewart said.”But the truth is she is actually a bouncer.”
Americans would do well to remember our history, our virtues, and our mistakes. The world is watching. We preach to other countries about doing their part in accepting and treating refugees humanely. The current display by American Right Wing mobs does little to enhance our moral high ground
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