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Yes Rand Paul, that’s why Democrats must be scared of you

Rand Paul

Rand Paul media aided triangulation has begun

The media build up on Rand Paul’s triangulation is in full vogue. Rand Paul was recently in Guatemala doing humanitarian work. He was performing surgeries on dozens of people with eye illnesses. Rand Paul was showing his good humanitarian deeds that are intended to mask his Libertarian motif.

Rand Paul most importantly is showing a skillset that is unique to politicians able to mask their true beliefs. He again chimes in on the killing of Michael Brown. “Let’s say none of this has to do with race,” Rand Paul said. “It might not but the belief is if you are African American and you live in Ferguson, the belief is you see people in prison mostly Black and Brown and somehow it is racial, even if the thoughts that were going on at that time had nothing to do with race. There is a very good chance this had nothing to with race but because of all the arrest and the way  people are arrested, that everybody perceives it as, ‘my goodness the police are out to get us’ … but I do know what’s   happening as far as you look at who’s in our prisons.”

Note he acknowledges reality, displays a degree of empathy and give the oppressors a guilt free pass. Classic.

The narrator then explains the triangulation in a manner that assists in what could become Rand Paul’s peel off from different ends of the political spectrum. Rand Paul came out with concerns about the militarization of local law enforcement before President Obama or many leading Democrats.

Rand Paul’s coup de grâce is his statement on Hillary Clinton. Democrats better take it seriously. “We are tired of war,” Paul said. “We are worried that Hillary Clinton will get us in another Middle Eastern war because she is so gung ho. … If you want to see a transformational election in our country, let the Democrats put forward a war hawk like Hillary Clinton and you will see a transformation like you’ve never seen.” Do you think Rand Paul was listening to Hillary Clinton’s Atlantic interview?

Rand Paul lines himself up with where Americans are on interventionist policies. Yes Rand Paul, that and many other reasons are why Democrats must be scared of you.

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