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Watch Jon Stewart mock Democrats for losing by ignoring Obama’s successes as GOP wins on Hope & Change

Jon Stewart mocks Democrats for losing by ignoring Obama's successes as GOP wins on Hope & Change.

Jon Stewart: GOP win on Hope & Change?

This skit by The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart and Jordan Klepper is painfully funny. They are pretty much mocking Democrats for losing an election by ignoring President Obama and the Democrat’s successes.

The skit starts with Jordan Klepper making the claim that immediately upon the election of a new GOP Senate, things in America have immediately gotten better. “:Last night at approximately 11:27 Eastern Time, Republicans gained control of the US Senate and the results were almost immediate,” said Jordan Klepper. “The economy now growing at at a robust 3.5 percent. Gas this morning, under three bucks a gallon. Stock Market at record levels. Deficits cut in half. Ten million more Americans have health insurance. And unemployment sub six percent for the first time since we elected chairman Obama.”

“Hang on a second Jordan. “Jon Stewart tried to interject.

“Even Ebola Jon — think about this — which was on the verge of destroying the country under Obama’s feckless leadership has suddenly become a problem for like one guy,” Jordan Klepper continued saying. “It’s morning in America Jon.”

“Jordan that is an incredibly impressive list that you ticked off of things that happened under Obama and the Democratic Senate,” Jon Stewart replied.

The following statement by Klepper is what should give every Democratic loser in this election heartburn, pause, and embarrassment. “Oh please Jon,” said Klepper. “If Democrats had accomplished all of that they would have been out there bragging about it for months. It would have been the central message of their campaign instead of their actual message which was like, I am quoting this here, ‘We are sorry. Don’t be mad. We don’t like Obama either. We like guns too. Amen.

It is in fact sad that these candidates ran away not only from Obama but from policies that are working and making their constituencies’ lives better. Their consultants should all be fired.

It is true that the ‘Liberal Media’ is biased against the President and Democrats. This is illustrated in how pre-election coverage ignored President Obama’s successes as it highlighted the lies of the opposition. However, this is no excuse for not engaging forcefully to dispel fallacies and defend a strong successful and accomplished outcome.


Before the election Bill Maher excoriated Democrats for their timidity on running on Democratic successes. While Republicans ran on Hope and Change with no specific policies, Democrats mostly ran on their fear of voters fear of President Obama.

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