Is Jon Stewart and Jessica Williams on to a changing GOP?”
The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart and Jessica Williams points out a rather interesting irony on the huge Republican win this week. On the more popular races, the Republican Party looked as diverse and fresh as the Democratic Party. Actually, it seemed quite a bit fresher.
“Democrats had their asses handed to them last night,” Jon Stewart said. “Even worse for the Democrats was the demographic breakdown of the ass handlers.” Jon Stewart showed snippets of the cable news coverage showing several ethnic minorities winning, several young people winning, and several women winning.
Jon Stewart then brought in the ultra funny Jessica Williams to finish the skit. The irony and sarcasm she brought had a lot of truth wrapped in her several punch lines.
“Jon, Republicans didn’t just take Democrats’ seat,” Jessica Williams said. “They stole their essence. The GOP went from a Brooks Brothers catalog to a United Colors of Benetton ad. It’s not fair. I mean how would Republicans feel if Democrats started denying climate change or decided that life began at impure thoughts.”
Jessica Williams then enumerated the list of ironies. “But sorry Democrats,” Williams said. “Utah just elected a young black congresswoman. Conservative Arkansas passed a minimum wage increase. What the f$ck kind of bizarro world is this Jon?”
When Jon Stewart sarcastically asserted that the GOP was now the party of minorities, Jessica Williams’ comeback was funny, epic, but illustrative.
“It’s like, when there is like this accountant guy at your office who like keep asking you out even though you know you have nothing in common,” Williams said. “But then like one night you see him at an exclusive party at the MoMA and he is with some cute alt girl with like pink hair and you like, ‘hey you know what? Maybe I could date this guy.’ You know what I mean? And then you like talk to him on Monday and then you like ‘oh no, I was right. This guy f$cking sucks.”
The modus operandi of flirting with diversity by the GOP in visible places has been an ongoing marketing exercise. Will the shear gravitational pull of that marketing eventually become reality? Was last this election the start? Or, will it be Jessica’s Monday morning regret?
This skit is funny. It is worth looking at the deeper message within and what it means for both parties.
(h/t The Daily Show)
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