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Elizabeth Warren is America’s best option after Wall Street big win in Congress (VIDEO)

Elizabeth Warren

The speech that could make Elizabeth Warren President

It is evident that the Democratic establishment is worried about Elizabeth Warren. She was brought into the Senate leadership recently likely with the expectation that she would temper her populist demands.

There is an article in FiveThirtyEight titled “Elizabeth Warren Wouldn’t Be 2016’s Obama, But She Could Be Its John Edwards” that can only be considered part of the narrative attempting to temper Senator Elizabeth Warren’s growing gravitas and and temper support for her as a potential presidential candidate.

One way we know Warren isn’t the 2008 Obama is the thermometer test. It’s a good way to test a relatively unknown potential candidate’s likability. It asks people (not counting those who don’t yet have an opinion) on a scale from 0 to 100 how they feel about a person. Warren’s average temperature among Democrats nationally was 63.9 in a Quinnipiac University survey conducted in March; that’s behind Clinton’s 78.7. Among all voters, Warren was at 48.6.

Really? Unlike Senator Obama, Senator Warren never had a keynote address at a convention to increase her public persona or profile. Unlike John Edwards, she is fairly knew in the consciousness of Americans.

As the primary campaign posturing begins, Elizabeth Warren’s message will resonate because it is real. It describes a problem Americans can not only feel but understand given the manner in which she articulates the issue.

On December 12th, 2014, she excoriated Citigroup for the power it yields on the political system. She admonished her colleagues for not having broken up the banks. And she levied a strong defense of the middle class as she connected the dots that makes up the path to their continual demise.

Elizabeth Warren has been desperately attempting to remove a Wall Street provision in the current Omnibus bill that could once again throw the world’s economy into turmoil given the greed and irresponsibility of Wall Street’s plutocrats. Unfortunately she was not successful as many Democrats and most Republicans attempted to marginalize her concerns.

Most Americans know that the American political system is on the take. Many Americans know that some Democrats and most Republicans are wards of the plutocracy. America is primed for a real grassroots campaign. Elizabeth Warren is poised to take the mantle.

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