Congressman Jim Clyburn understands class warfare against the middle class
Congressman Jim Clyburn (D-SC) said what needed to be said. Many shy away from the term class warfare even as it is effectively decimating the middle class.
“The fact of the matter is most of my Republican friends that I have talked to about these issues say that they respect work,” Congressman Jim Clyburn said. “They honor people who go to work everyday. Yet we have a tax code that favors those who don’t work. If you get your income unearned, you inherit wealth, and you live off that wealth, you will not be paying that many taxes. But if you go to work everyday you are paying the burden of our taxes. And the President wants to bring an end to this class warfare. That is open war against the middle class. And we want to bring that to an end. So I don’t know why we cannot sit down, look at the tax code and say ‘Hey this is unfair. This mitigates against working men and women.’ and lets come out with a tax code that closes these loopholes, that has as the President says the upper one percent not paying any taxes at all while the lower ninety nine percent are carrying the burden of running the country.”
Many will point out that wealthy people are already paying most of the taxes. That is true. However they are not paying taxes in the proportions of their aggregate wealth plus the aggregate services necessary to maintain that wealth. In effect the middle class and the poor have become commodities that they use to create their wealth, protect and defend their wealth, and to protect and serve them.
America and the world have been in a state of class warfare for a very long time. Unfortunately many attempt to make the rich the aggrieved when that term is used. Enlightened eyes will immediately conclude that opposition to increasing the minimum wage, opposition to universal healthcare, opposition to consumer protection regulations, and opposition to all policies to enhance the standard of living of the poor and the middle class is class warfare against them. Unfortunately some of the soldiers fighting this war are fighting against themselves.
I covered this entire topic in detail in my book “As I See It: Class Warfare Is The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom.” I got a lot of flak for the title, but is was as truthful then as it is now. The numbers are getting worse even as the economy has improved so much so that 50% of the world’s wealth will be owned by the top 1% by 2016.
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