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Why Ted Cruz could win GOP primary and then win it all (VIDEO)

Ted Cruz President Evangelical

Ted Cruz playing chess and few get it

This week’s news coverage is heavy on the  Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) bills in both Indiana and Arkansas. The reactions of the potential GOP presidential candidates were telling. Of them all Ted Cruz showed the most conviction, even more so than the governors of the states proposing these laws.

If one listens to all the talking heads, it was a big misstep by Indiana Governor Mike Pence. Arkansas Governor had it a little better. After Walmart suggested that he veto the bill, he likely saw the turmoil that Mike Pence went through and decided he better send the bill back to the legislature for major adjustment.

During all the turmoil,  many of the GOP presidential prospects decided to add their two cents. Marco Rubio spoke through two sides of his mouth. Jeb Bush first supported the bill, —

“I think Gov. Pence has done the right thing,” said Bush in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, an influential conservative radio host. “I think once the facts are established, people aren’t going to see this as discriminatory at all.”

— before he decided maybe he did not,

“By the end of the week, I think Indiana will be in the right place, which is to say that we need in a big diverse country like America, we need to have space for people to act on their conscience, that it is a constitutional right that religious freedom is a core value of our country, “ Mr. Bush said.

It is evident that conservatives will lose the RFRA battle. In doing so Ted Cruz could win the GOP war. While Bush and Rubio are either flip flopping or hedging their bets, Ted Cruz is steadfast.

“Religious liberty is not some fringe view. It is the basis of this country,” he said. He blamed gay rights activists and Democrats for the recent uproar over an Indiana law that would protect businesses who refuse to provide certain services on religious grounds.

Chuck Todd featured his piece in the video snippet above that illustrated Ted Cruz’s calculations. In his peace he noted that the GOP primaries are stacked in the favor of Right Wing Evangelical voters. That momentum could potentially give  Ted Cruz strong winds in his sail that takes him to victory. His unabated support for the evangelical Right Wing even as corporations, politicians, and governors caved to the ‘liberals’ could be his ticket. At one time it was Rand Paul playing chess as he started building a national coalition. Unfortunately he started doing this before he secured his Right Wing evangelical flank.

Many think the 2016 election is already cooked, Hillary Clinton vs Jeb Bush. Hillary Clinton’s falling poll numbers and Jeb Bush’s missteps may put that into question. Is there a Democratic opportunist ready to go?  The GOP has an opportunist that is ready to go, Ted Cruz.

If Ted Cruz becomes the nominee, do remember that both a Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush Presidency was considered comedy. They both won and we are living with the consequences. Democrats better learn to play chess rather quickly.

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