Jon Stewart annihilates Ted Cruz and his hyperbolic hypocrisy
Jon Stewart did it again. He used the words of a politician against his own record. A few weeks ago Jon Stewart with surgical detail illustrated the fraud that was former Vice President Dick Cheney.
This week it was Ted Cruz’s turn. Ted Cruz made it rather easy. Jon Stewart used Cruz’s own words to show that for all practical purposes his words are but a projection not of the flaws of others, but the flaws of his own.
Jon Stewart played a clip of Ted Cruz accusing the President of being a fundraiser in chief instead of doing the job he was elected for. “But unlike Obama,” Jon Stewart said. “Ted Cruz did not come to Washington to fund raise. He came to govern according to his principles; like keeping every constitution hater out of office.”
Stewart then played a clip of Ted Cruz promising some of his supporters that he would unambiguously vote against the confirmation of Attorney General Loretta Lynch. There was a rather large irony however. Senator Ted Cruz was the only senator not to vote when she was confirmed. Instead he was at a fundraiser.
In another clip a CNN reporter wanted a followup to the Ted Cruz accusation that the president was a divisive president that increased racial tensions. Ted Cruz was slow in his non-response as he was not able to give any examples of the president being racially divisive. The President has never been. Cruz simply repeated the accusation as he was unable to provide examples.
The coup de grace however was Cruz’s accusation that the President turned the opposition into a straw-man. He was not able to provide any specific examples. Jon Stewart however provided many examples of a caustic Ted Cruz vilifying Liberals or anyone who would disagree with his ideology. He call Liberals fascist among other derogatory terms. There is no instance in which the President can be accused of using that caustic and offensive verbiage.
Ted Cruz simply projects his flaws unto the opposition instead of coming to grips with it and attempting to make himself a better person. If he were to become the President, America would be in for a long 4 years of rhetoric with no substance.
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