Mothers in America simply not supported
Meet The Press Chuck Todd had some interesting statistics on mothers in America and how they compare across the world. When progressives attempt to get family friendly policies through Congress, they are smeared with the ‘Socialist’ epithet. Of course generally they are willfully ignorant to the fact that America is already a socialist country. Of course the effective benefit of most of our socialism is in fact corporations.
Chuck Todd pointed out that mothers are now older than before. In 1960 74% of mothers were under 30 years old. In 2013 that number was 59. In 1960 only 18% of mothers had some college education. In 2013 60% did. Sadly full time working mothers made $229 less per week that full time working fathers. Single mother households went from 8% to 21%.
Many Americans continue to tout the United States as being exceptional. Conservatives in particular claim they promote moral values and family values. The reality is that it turns out to be America is not as exceptional as many thought or as family values oriented as many believe. Many of the ‘Socialist’ Democracies treat their mothers and families much better. According to the Save The Children Mother’s Index, America is ranked 33rd for the best place to be a mother. ‘Socialist’ Norway is ranked number 1.
Chuck Todd interviewed Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg. “If you really want to go to their full potential, use their talent,” Erna Solberg said. “You have to be able to combine motherhood and labor market participation. And I think we have invested quite a lot to make that happen. And I see around me, my generation of women but also the younger ones, they are believing in a society where you can both have children and you can work.”
One wonders why it is so hard in America to pass policies friendly to motherhood that would allow women who want a full career like men, to have one. My personal speculation is that many of the same people against contraception, subsidies for increased child care, or any mother friendly policies want to keep women in their places as troglodytes see it, barefoot, pregnant, and at home at the beckon call of their men.
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