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Jon Stewart has fun with Hillary Clinton & Jeb Bush and the Prez Clinton/Bush records (VIDEO)

Jon Stewart has fun with Hillary Clinton & Jeb Bush relation to husband's & brother's records

Jon Stewart skewers Jeb Bush by contrasting Hillary Clinton’s distancing herself from husband’s record

Jon Stewart had some fun with Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. He contrasted how both of them handled the presidential records of their husband and brother respectively.

“Right now the two front runners both represent dynastic families,” Jon Stewart said. “The race could come down to how each candidate handles their respective relationship to their families’ legacy.”

Is it not ironic that even Jon Stewart considers Jeb Bush the front runner even though many Republican candidates are ahead of him in the polls? Maybe the premise is simply postulation for comedic consumption.

Stewart went on to show that Hillary Clinton has begun the move from centrist triangulation towards a leftward move more in line with America. She is rejecting mass incarceration. She is rejecting that marriage is solely between a man and a woman. She has come out strong for immigration reform and a pathway to citizenship. She has also started taking banks and big businesses to task even though a few months ago she believed the left was being too hard on them.

“So she is running against Bill’s record,” Jon Stewart said. “I mean trouble in paradise. By paradise I mean a politically symbiotic partnership based on mutual ambition for world domination. So what is Jeb’s angle”

Jon Stewart then showed clips reporting that Jeb Bush has claimed George W. Bush as one of his top foreign policy advisers.

“I think at this point most Americans agree when it comes to foreign policy,” Stewart said. “George W. Bush is an excellent painter.”

The biggest flub Jeb Bush made was on the Republican Propaganda Network, Fox News. One would think he could handle the softball.

“On the subject of Iraq, obviously very controversial” asked Megyn Kelly. “Knowing what we know now, would you have authorize the invasion?”

“I would have,” responded Jeb Bush. “And so would have Hillary Clinton to remind everybody. And so would have almost everybody that was confronted with the intelligence they got.”

The operative phrase and softball that provided the opportunity for Jeb Bush to distance himself from his brother without a poke in his brother’s eye was knowing what we know now. He was unable to quickly make the calculation in his head. He is neither ready for prime time nor is he the smarter Bush most thought he was.

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