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Elizabeth Warren wants Americans to get mad now (VIDEO)

Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren provides the 2016 election narrative

Hillary Clinton is no Elizabeth Warren. Yesterday I called out Hillary Clinton for her ‘listening and learning‘ tour. After all, Hillary Clinton is likely the smartest and most experienced person declared running for president. Her international and domestic bona fides whether you agree with them or not are vast. As such this modal is nothing but a calculated ploy.

Elizabeth Warren sat down and answered some questions on the first day of the Code Conference. She used a question asked by one of the attendees to define what she believes the narrative must be for the 2016 election. The attendee asked her how can the 50% of voters that can vote but don’t vote believe any politician that says we are going to rebuild the country. That is all she needed.

“That is exactly the right question,” Elizabeth Warren said. “We are not doing it because too many of the people in Washington do not represent the folks who elected them.” She went on to say the things we all know. The wealthy are the ones that have the politicians’ ears. As such their wants are what get legislated, tax cuts and lower taxes.

So how then will Americans really get the change they need?

“The only way we get change,” Elizabeth Warren said. “is when enough people in this country say I’m mad as hell and I’m fed up and I am not going to do this anymore.” She then laid out the narrative as demands. “You are not going to go back and represent me in Washington DC if you are not willing to pass a meaningful infrastructure bill. If you are not willing to refinance student loan interest rates and stop dragging in billions of dollars of profits off the backs of kids who otherwise can’t afford to go to college. If you don’t say you are going to fund the NIH and the NISF because that is our future. We have to make these issues salient and not just wonky.”

Warren then lays out the method via the personalization of the message.

“These have to be the things that you wake up people all over America and say — what matters?  Whether or not you are going to have a job. Whether or not you are going to have a retirement. Whether or not your kids are going to have any chance to build a future for them. It’s gotta be about these core issues. And we’ve gotta to talk about them enough until there is some real change in this country.”

Elizabeth Warren is correct. One must repeat over and over again the true narrative. With the volume of misinformation in the corporate media and otherwise, truth is usually the first casualty.

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