Obamacare repeal would be an ideological blunder
![Obamacare GOP Republican Budget Deficit](https://egbertowillies.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Obamacare-GOP-Republican-Budget-Deficit.jpg)
Obamacare repeal continues to be the talk of both the Right Wing conservative ideologues as well as mainstream Republicans. Unfortunately for them the Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act was just released by the CBO. The entire report is included below.
Before going through the report it is essential that a very important reality is understood. Most liberals, progressives, and thinking pragmatists wanted real universal healthcare for every single American. They wanted Medicare for all. In order to get a law, they compromised.
Republicans and corporatist Democrats wanted to keep the inefficiencies of a system dependent on multiple insurance companies all with their own rules. This web of inconsistency means that a doctor’s office needs more staff and analysts to understand the myriad of insurance companies they must work with to support their patients. Likewise since healthcare did not come from a general progressive tax on all, a mandate was necessary to prevent the gaming of the system. In other words, without a mandate many would choose to purchase private insurance only when they were sick or knew they would get sick.
Obamacare was a compromise. They adopted the Republican plan as defined by the Conservative Heritage Foundation and added protections to make it illegal for insurance companies to rescind policies, make it illegal for them to deny coverage to those with preexisting conditions, make it illegal to charge women more than men, make it illegal to cap coverage which use to cause many bankruptcies, and much more.
The real reasons Republicans want Obamacare repeal is obvious. The regulations in Obamacare that protect the American citizens potentially reduce the profits of corporations.That is the real reason Republicans hate Obamacare. Sadly, Obamacare repeal is their answer.
The CBO report below clearly illustrates Obamacare repeal will not only dramatically increase the budget deficit but would cause up to 19 million people to lose their health insurance.
Budgetary and Economic Effects of Repealing the Affordable Care Act
(h/t Huffington Post)
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