Jon Stewart skewers Donald Trump’for his problem with the truth
Donald Trump continues to spew his venom. What is ironic is that his poll numbers seem to go up proportionally with his anti-immigrant rhetoric. It is as if Donald Trump is the new soul of the Republican party. It would not be long before Jon Stewart unmasked Donald Trump as a liar. It occurerd when he chose the right target ‘worthy of defense’.
The whole mix up started when Donald Trump said that John McCain was not a war hero. Trump was hurt because McCain had said that Trump had fired up the crazies.
Jon Stewart played a clip where Donald Trump denied that he said John McCain was no war hero. Stewart then played a clip that proves in fact that Donald Trump said just that. Trump then said that three seconds more of the tape were played it would show he called McCain a hero. What it showed is that Trump was sarcastically calling him a hero because of his POW status.
Stewart then played a clip where the reporter asked Trump if he became president would he continue with the name calling and attacks. He became defensive using the general lack of defense in the industry for his hair style. Trump sounded like a middle school student?
Jon Stewart then played a clip where one could question the veracity of the bone spur that Trump used as a deferment to the enter the military. He did not attempt to tell which foot had the problem. The pain from a bone spur is hard to forget.
Stewart implored Trump to not flame out. After-all Stewart only has 3 more weeks left on Comedy Central. He wants the Trump material.
Jon Stewart the excoriated the Republican Party. In effect he said no one should be surprised from Donald Trumps behavior. He said Republicans only liked Trump because he threw flames at Obama. In fact John McCain was complicit in taking the crazies mainstream. After all he gave us Sarah Palin.
(h/t DailyShow)
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