The consistency of the Bernie Sanders message discipline is stunning
Rachel Maddow did an expose on Bernie Sanders that showed a consistency seldom seen in any politician. Listen to the clip above with your eyes closed. Is it not the same message that is garnering the support of the American people? Is there anything inauthentic about that message. Is there anything un-American about that message? Is there anything undemocratic about that message? Bernie sanders said the following over two decades ago.
The reason that we win and continue to win is that increasingly people are frustrated and angry about a two party system which is dominated by big money and which does not pay attention to the needs of working people or elderly people or poor people. And I think if you talk common sense to the people and say that government is supposed to represent the needs of those people who today are not getting a fair shake. You know what? They will vote for you. And the problem that we have nationally in this country is that the two party system dominated by big money, is not delivering for ordinary people. Which is why people are giving up on the political process. Why they are not voting. And why there is a great deal of anger and frustration at the political system as it now exists. …
I would like to see somebody who speaks for the underdog, for the people who don’t have decent healthcare benefits. Somebody who understands that in America today 50% of the people don’t even vote anymore. And the vast majority of that 50% are poor people and working people who have giving up on the system. So essentially I would like to see a candidate who has the guts to have a vision that America could be a land for all people. Not just the land controlled by the super rich.
Bernie Sanders has been promoting that middle-class people centric message for decades. While it has had traction in his state of Vermont where he has been elected and re-elected for decades, America has never been privy to the consistency of that message. It seems Bernie Sanders is the candidate with the vision he spoke of.
Will Americans allow the Plutocracy to scare them away from voting for their interests or will they finally break the chains? What do you think?
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