Bernie Sanders addressed the establishment directly
Bernie Sanders made his presence felt at The Democratic National Committee Summer Meeting in Minneapolis Minnesota on Friday. He did not mince words as he went into the belly of the Democratic establishment and made it clear that the establishment, politics as usual, will not win in 2016. He was blunt and to the point as he said the following.
Most importantly I believe that few would deny that the issues that we are running on are generating an enormous amount of enthusiasm and that our grassroots campaign which is calling for a political revolution is striking a chord all over America. My friends, the Republican Party did not win the midterm election in November. We lost that election. They didn’t win, we lost because voter turnout was abysmally embarrassingly low and millions of working people, young people, and people of color gave up on politics as usual and they stayed home. That’s the fact.
And let me be as clear as I can be. In my view, Democrats will not retain the White House, will not regain the Senate, or the U.S. House, will not be successful in dozens of governors’ races all across this country unless we generate excitement and momentum and produce a huge voter turnout.With all due respect. And I do not mean to insult anyone here. That turnout, that enthusiasm will not happen with politics as usual. The same old, same old, will not work.
The people of our country understand that given the collapse of the America middle-class and given the grotesque level of income and wealth inequality we are experiencing, we do not need more establishment politics or establishment economics. What we need is a political movement which is prepared to take on the billionaire class and create a government which works for all of us and not just corporate America and a handful of the wealthiest people in this country. In other words we need a movement which takes on the political and economic establishment, not one which is part of that establishment.
Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are considered outsiders of the establishment of their respective parties. Yet, Donald Trump is sucking up all the media as Bernie Sanders is ignored even when the commentary is about the Democratic Primary. It won’t be business as usual. At a recent panel I suggested that Bernie Sanders concentrate most of his effort on the alternative media. He should speak to 10 bloggers a day throughout the country. When the Democratic Party and the traditional mainstream media begin to see their irrelevancy, they will run to re-engage.
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