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Watch the circus that went to Washington to protest the Iran Nuclear Agreement (VIDEO)

Watch the circus that went to Washington to protest the Iran Nuclear Agreement.

When a party’s foreign policy is run by circus characters the country is in trouble

If it were not so serious this would be funny. At first I laughed. Then I actually got more worried about the future. This is why we have got to work to bring back sanity. It is time to leave the circus behind.

The Iran Nuclear Agreement is a good deal for America and the world. Colin Powell said the following.

“Here’s why I think it’s a good deal,” Colin Powell said. “One of the great concerns that the opposition has, that we’re leaving open a lane for the Iranians to go back to creating a nuclear weapon in ten or 15 years. They’re forgetting the reality that they have been on a superhighway for the last ten years to create a nuclear weapon or a nuclear weapons program, with no speed limit. And in the last ten years, they have gone from 136 centrifuges up to something like 19,000 centrifuges. This agreement will bring them down to 5,000 centrifuges. All of these will be under IAEA supervision. And I think this is a good outcome.”

But it is not necessary to listen to Colin Powell or all the other notables of stature, Democrats and Republicans alike, who support the agreement. You can read it for yourself here.

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