Gun ideology trumps sanity and reality
The gun insanity continues. Guns don’t kill. People do. Right? What about the ready availability of guns. Is that not a precursor as well? Of course it is. It is a fact that people with guns are more likely to hurt themselves or a loved one than an attacker. Likewise gun deaths are much higher in states with higher gun ownership.
Sources: Pediatrics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
It is for this reason that the statements made by former Republican Douglas County Commissioner Marilyn Kittelman’s statement on guns were so appalling. She wrote the the following Facebook post that got the attention of MSNBC.
If Obama believes the Anti-gun rhetoric he continues to spew why isn’t the a White House a “gun free” zone? Why do our children deserve less protection than an elected official? OBVIOUSLY Obama believes the best way to stop an attack against him is with ARMED guards. Our children deserve to be protected in the same manner. More gun control laws won’t stop someone intent on taking lives. Has everyone forgotten Boston Marathon? They took those murderers out with GUNS. Big kudos to our local sheriffs department for their quick response 3 minutes. But that 3 minutes cost 10 lives. More people need to be legally armed to protect themselves and others. Stop relying on others and protect yourselves and your loved ones. God bless our community and God bless America!
She told MSNBC that if there were more people armed they could have stopped the attack. Anyone who believes that an armed average American citizen would react in any form other than with panic on average is devoid of reality based thinking. Moreover, how does officers discern perpetrator from vigilante from armed citizen?
Marilyn Kittelman and her ilk are the problem. They are a clear and present danger. They must be held collectively answerable to these massacres throughout this country for being the stooges of the gun industry.
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