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Donald Trump tells an inconvenient truth about 9/11 that upsets Jeb Bush (VIDEO)

Donald Trump tells a truth about 9-11 that upsets Jeb Bush

Donald Trumps throws out another inconvenient truth

Donald Trump continues to throw jabs at the body of the Republican Party’s status quo. On Friday Donald Trump was a guest on Bloomberg TV. He was asked if he would be capable of comforting the country during times of national crisis. He told an inconvenient truth with his response contrasting himself with President Obama and President Bush.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them,” Donald Trump said. “I think I’m much more competent than all of them. When you talk about George Bush, I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during his time. … He was president, OK? Don’t blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president. The World Trade Center came down during his reign.”

It is interesting that the host spoke over Donald Trump in an attempt to dispute Trump’s comment in defense of George W Bush. Yet when Republicans accuse President Obama of weakness, rarely is there any interjection to note that no terrorist attacks of the magnitude that occurred under President Bush have occurred under President Obama. Moreover, Obama is the President that killed and captured Osama Bin Laden.

Jeb Bush ran to Twitter to respond soon thereafter.   

The inconvenient truth is that Trump is correct. 9/11 occurred on George W. Bush’s watch. If nine months into the Obama administration such a terrorist attack had occurred, Republicans would squarely put the blame on Obama. A fact that many have refused to expose as they should is that there was ample information that should have had the Bush administration on alert.

Donald Trump is correct on this one. The reality is that neither party is better or worse on ‘keeping us safe’. Trump, unbeknownst to himself, helps dispel the fallacy of the GOP being the national security party.

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