Martha Raddatz shows she is allow herself to be a shill of the plutocracy
Martha Raddatz attempted to use a Bernie Sanders comment to shamefully scare Americans with a rather sophisticated overt & subliminal message. Here is the interchange.
Martha Raddatz: Senator Sanders, you said something to your supporters yesterday that caught my ear, you quoted with pride a Wall Street Journal article calling you a viable candidate, saying it appears that we are making Wall Street a little bit nervous and that’s a good thing. The article was quoting Blackstone CEO Steve Schwarzman who said the markets are unsettled because of you, a slowdown in China and geopolitical risks. You’re laughing, but I want to know why is it a good thing that the markets are in turmoil? People have their pension funds in the market? Lots of middle class people have their 401(k)s invested in stocks. It’s not just Wall Street. Everybody is affected by this.
Bernie Sanders: The reason that I am laughing is I fully admit to having a big ego, like many other politicians. But the idea that Bernie Sanders’ candidacy, because it has growing support all over this country, is unsettling world markets is absolutely absurd. The point I was making is we are getting the attention of Wall Street. Wall Street’s greed and recklessness and illegal behavior drove this economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression. Millions of people lost their homes, their life savings and their jobs. And yes I believe that we have to break up the major financial institutions. We have to reestablish Glass-Steagall. And that we are now gaining the attention of Wall Street tells me that our campaign is doing very well.
Bernie Sanders as usual remained on message. But his message was tailored for Martha Raddatz’s rather silly statement. The market is currently being rattled yet again by the titans of finance. While they are touted as the know alls of the economy they have shown a complete lack of control of economies and economics. Moreover, there actions are directly responsible for the continual financial catastrophes that the masses ultimately pay the price for. Bernie Sanders in his answer reminded Raddatz and Americans of that reality.
Americans must not fall for these types of shenanigans. No politician is causing the current market instability. The economic system is on the brink because income and wealth disparity created by capitalism as an ideology instead of as a tool is unsustainable. It will continue to fall apart until major structural economic changes are made.
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