Robert Gates hit 2016 election Republican candidates pretty hard
Former defense secretary Robert Gates did not mince his words as he slammed the 2016 election GOP field for their irresponsible statements. He appeared on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports hawking his book titled “A Passion for Leadership” that was recently released.
Earlier in the week at the Council on Foreign Relations, Gates ridiculed the 2016 election Republican candidates. He said, “I think middle school kids would be embarrassed by the level of dialogue going on in the national campaign.”
In his interview with Andrea Mitchell, the former secretary said the following.
They either don’t understand how difficult this is. Or they are being pretty cynical, opportunistic, and putting forward simple solutions that are simply unattainable as opposed to suggesting to the American people that these are complex problems that are going to take time to solve. … In a way I’d rather that they be cynical and opportunistic than to believe they really believe this stuff.
Hopefully Americans will take note of the words of the former secretary of defense. If any of these guys were to become President, above and beyond being the butt of jokes around the world, they would be a clear and present danger.
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