Donald Trump must really be in Jeb Bush’s head
Donald Trump branded Jeb Bush as low energy early on in the Republican Primary. It isn’t that Bush is low energy. It is that he has no spine to stand up to a bully like Donald Trump. This little snippet speaks volumes when taken in context of his overall campaign.
David Muir brought up Trump’s love for the eminent domain laws. In fact he once attempted to take the property of an elderly woman to build a casino. Bush started to point this out. But Trump took command.
Donald Trump: You know, he [Bush] wants to be a tough guy. A lot of times, you’ll have — you’ll have — and it didn’t work very well.
Jeb Bush: How tough it is to take away property from an elderly woman?
Donald Trump: A lot of time —
Jeb Bush tried to get another sentence in.
Donald Trump: let me talk. Quiet. A lot of times — a lot of times… — let me talk. Let me talk. Quiet
The audience started to boo Trump’s disrespect.
Donald Trump: A lot of times That’s all of his donors and special interests out there. So — it’s what it is.
Bush remained mostly quiet on the subject.
Donald Trump got the better of Jeb Bush as well in the way he segued the issue to the Keystone XL pipeline which Jeb is for. It is built by a private company, managed by a private company, and is shipping oil through the U.S. for shipment abroad. Eminent domain is necessary to build that pipeline. Bush’s support is no different than Trump’s use of eminent domain to force people off of their property. The inconsistencies of GOP ideology when faced by moneyed interest always raises its head.
That said, Jeb Bush simply does not seem to push back with any vigor even when he is in the right or the dominant position. That does not bode well for a commander in chief. He would ultimately be pushed around by his senior staff and the military brass.
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