Ben Jealous lays it out
Ben Jealous’ endorsement of Bernie Sanders was no fluke. It is evident he contrasted who really did best by the black community on Rachel Maddow’s show.
The clip starts out with Rachel Maddow equating Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s policies.
“I feel like when I hear Hillary Clinton talking about why she is running and what she would do as president she is making that same pitch though,” Rachel Maddow said. “I feel like her policy take on these issues right now is pretty similar to Senator Sanders.”
Ben Jealous then responded with an enumeration of the differences where it relates to the criminal justice system and more.
“And then you remember 2008 when there were seven democrats on stage,” Ben Jealous said. “And they were asked specifically about if we get rid of the disparity between crack and powder which sent several black women to prison, disproportionately black women to prison — would support applying it retroactively. These women can get out, and take care of their families, reunite their kids, get their kids out of foster care. Everybody said yes except for her. She said no.”
Jealous then pointed out that as recently as this election cycle in the debates, she has stated that she supports the death penalty. He further pointed out that Hillary Clinton was supportive of for-profit prisons before she was against it. She took money from the prison industrial complex lobby in the past, now she won’t.
Ben Jealous pointed out that Hillary Clinton was pushing the Super Predator Theory in the 90s.
“In the 8os she is chairing the Children Defense fund,” said Jealous. “In the 90s she is pushing the Super Predator Theory. The Super Predatory Theory was, some children they were so sociopathic by age six months that they were beyond redemption. It’s not just a violation of psychology. It’s a violation of theology. It was never used to explain the actions of young white men in Columbine and those types of tragedies. It was almost always used to explain the actions of young urban black men.”
Ben Jealous said it came down to racism, militarism, and greed. He said when you go by that standard, Bernie Sanders has been consistent. He had a rather poignant statement at the closing in the clip.
“Then you have people saying, Oh, we as a party, we can’t elect our idealist,” Ben Jealous said. “We can’t elect the ones who really want to change things so we can actually open up opportunity. Republicans can do that. But if we are going to negotiate with them we are not gonna. You know, establishment says, why don’t we send someone in who is going to appease and be willing to compromise quickly. That’s one theory. My theory, trained as an organizer in Harlem at age 17, is game recognize game. You send your idealist. We will send our idealist. And a compromise will be a real compromise.”
Well said.
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