Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump redefining gatekeepers
Bernie Sanders’ win in Michigan yesterday illustrated a very important fact. As long as every American has a vote and uses the vote, they are still sovereign from the plutocracy. Virtually the entire Democratic establishment has come out against Bernie Sanders. Liberal and Conservative media have either been dismissive of him or negative towards him.
Bernie Sanders remarks after Michigan and Missippi Primaries
Above and beyond those headwinds, Bernie Sanders prevailed in a state where the demographic says; if one were indoctrinated by the corporate media, that he should not win. Pollsters who chose models based on false expectations, as opposed to a reality voters have been articulating for months, were a disservice to us all. In fact, they likely depressed voter turnout on all sides.
Donald Trump remarks after Michigan and Missippi Primaries
Donald Trump should not be president. It is evident based on his utterances that he has no real core beliefs. But first a confession; I do not believe Donald Trump believes the things that he is saying. I think it is a calculated attempt to meet a large segment of the Republican voters where they are. The man is a marketer and the Republican voters and the media are his subjects, his clients, his consumers. He gives them what they want. He manipulates them.
The corporate media, the Republican Party establishment, and the Democratic Party establishment are all wards of the American plutocracy. Both the Republican and Democratic establishments are using the media in an attempt to make both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump unelectable. They have spent millions of dollars to do so.
Donald Trump has beaten the media by using their weaknesses against them. He uses their greed for profits over substance as they command eyeballs and clicks that become free advertising for Trump and increased advertising dollars for them.
Bernie Sanders has crowdsourced his campaign. He gets little love from the corporate media and his party. But he is showing that crowdsourcing media and fundraising can be just as effective and closer to the people, a grassroots movement, the catalyst for a revolution.
Yes, I have hope. Both these men, one qualified for the presidency, one not, give me hope. Win or lose, they show there is a path to break the plutocracy.
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