Bill Maher’s characterization of Donald Trump is on point
Bill Maher points out the inconvenient truth about who and what is to blame for the creation of Donald Trump the man and the unfortunate phenomenon. He makes some excellent points.
“Stop trying to pin the rise of Donald Trump on easy targets like racism, xenophobia, and fetal alcohol syndrome,” Bill Maher said. “And put the blame where it belongs, on the self-esteem movement.”
Maher then played a video with a song that says “The most important person in the whole wide world is you and you hardly even know you.”
“If there is anything scarier than the fact that Donald Trump thinks he is the most important person in the world,” Maher said. “Is that in eight months he could be.”
Bill Maher said that while pundits have tried to explain the Trump phenomenon by equating him with a con man, a Klans man, or a clown, he does not. Maher compares him to a spoiled five-year-old who is throwing a tantrum, a child who’s allowed to do as he pleases without proper parent supervision.
Maher then uses a montage of Donald Trump saying he is the best at doing anything to make his next point.
“He is the white Kanye West,” Maher said. “Trump is the perfect candidate for the country that scores low in math and science but off the charts in self-esteem.”
Bill Maher pointed out that a study of eight developed countries shows that Americans high confidence does not translate to high math scores. They were dead last.
“Yes we are number one in thinking we are number one,” Maher said. “And when the numbers don’t validate that confidence, well we know who the real culprit is, those stupid numbers. So we change them.”
Maher went on to give examples of the lengths Americans go through to for self-aggrandizement. And hence there forth Donald Trump. He is just our alter ego in exponential form.
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