Donald Trump & Ted Cruz endanger the entire country
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are a danger to the security of all Americans with the statements they are making for short-term political gain. Their statements are irresponsible. They marginalize good citizens. In fact, their statements will likely induce a backlash from those who think being an upstanding citizen isn’t good enough.
Ted Cruz said that Muslim neighborhoods must be patrolled before they become radicalized. Radicalized white supremacist conducts most of the terrorist attacks in America. Did Ted Cruz ever consider such police actions in neighborhoods where skinheads and white supremacists reign? We know many of those neighborhoods.
Donald Trump suggested that torture could have prevented the attacks in Brussels after the capture of Paris attack suspect Salah Abdeslam. “If they would have put him through the grill ten minutes after the capture,” Donald Trump said. “He probably would have ratted them out and maybe stopped this horrible terror attack.” Spoken perfectly like a thug.
Luckily America has other sensible candidates running for office. Republican candidate John Kasich, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders responded.
“Just because you happen to be Muslim doesn’t mean that you are a radicalized person that wants to destroy somebody in the west,” Kasich said.
“We can’t throw out everything we know about what works and what doesn’t and start torturing people,” Hillary Clinton said. “What Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and others are suggesting is not only wrong, it’s dangerous.”
“We are fighting a terrorist organization,” Bernie Sanders said. “A barbaric organization that is killing innocent people. We are not fighting a religion.”
Three intelligent statements by three people who would make much better presidents than Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. America is at a turning point. Americans must not succumb to a knee-jerk reaction that may feel good in the long term but solves nothing. Many times knee-jerk reactions are the genesis for future failures that cost us dearly. American history is littered with these. The war in Iraq comes to mind. The internment of the Japanese Americans come to mind.
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