Donald Trump supporter went birther on Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz approached a Donald Trump supporter. There was a war of words as the Trump supporter went birther on Cruz’s Canadian citizenship.
The Trump supporter said that Ted Cruz was not wanted. He told Cruz that he needed to do the math. “You asked Kasich to drop out,” the Trump supporter said. “Take your own words. It’s time to drop out sir. Donald is definitely going to get to 1237.”
Cruz would have none of it.
“Donald cannot tell the truth in one minute,” Cruz said. “Sir you are entitled to have your rights. Sir America is a better country without …” and the Trump supporter said, “Without you.”
The back and forth continued. The Trump supporter went birther on Ted Cruz by turning a question into a question about his Canadian citizenship.
The Trump supporter asked Cruz about his stance on the 2nd Amendment. Cruz pointed out that Trump said he hated guns and worked with Clinton on gun control.
Ted Cruz seemed unfazed and handled the Trump supporter with grace and respect. One wonders if he took this less caustic attitude throughout the campaign, whether he would have fared better in the Republican Primary.
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