Muslim Mayor of London has words for Donald Trump
London elected the first Muslim mayor of a major Western city recently despite Trumpian style attacks during the election cycle. Subsequent to winning, Sadiq Khan condemned the tactics used against him. The new mayor is offering to school Donald Trump out of his ignorance and lunacy about Muslims and Western society.
An MSNBC reporter asked Khan if he would personally welcome Donald Trump to London. His answer was measured but affirmative.
“I want Donald Trump to come to London so I can introduce myself to him as a mainstream Muslim very, very comfortable with Western Liberal values,” the mayor said. “But also, introduce him to the hundreds of thousands, dare I say millions of Muslims in this country who love being British, love being Western. And it is nothing incompatible with being a Muslim and being Western. I want to educate Donald Trump. I want to show him that you can be Muslim and be Western.”
Mayor Sadiq Khan was later asked about his plan to address radicalization. He said he would work with politicians around the world to grapple with extremism and radicalization. He personalized the subject as he pointed out the attacks could have impacted his own family on the buses or on the tube trains. He said that it is imperative that it is pointed out that Islam and the West are compatible. He said they must promote role models that are both Muslim and Western.
“We have to make sure our youngsters are resilient,” Khan said. “So that when somebody comes along and tries to radicalize them, tries to brainwash them, tries to say it is not possible to be Western and Muslim, you say, you are talking rubbish. It is. When somebody comes along and says non-Muslims hate you, you say, you are talking rubbish I’ve got friends who are Jewish, I’ve got friends who are Christians, I’ve got friends who are non=Muslims. They don’t hate us. When somebody comes along and say the reason you have poor housing, the reason why you have poor education is because of your faith. You say that is all rubbish.”
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