This week in the war on workers: Workers processing your chicken may have to wear diapers
Saturday, May 14, 2016
5:07 PM
Gross, but not nearly surprising enough: According to a report from Oxfam, workers in U.S. poultry processing plants are frequently denied bathroom breaks to the point of being forced to wear adult diapers while they work. On food you will eat.
The report cited unnamed workers from Tyson Foods Inc., Pilgrim’s Pride Corp., Perdue Farms Inc. and Sanderson Farms Inc. who said that supervisors mock them, ignore requests and threaten punishment or firing. When they can go, they wait in long lines even though they are given limited time, sometimes 10 minutes, according to the report. Some workers have urinated or defecated themselves while working because they can’t hold on any longer, the report said. Some workers “restrict intake of liquids and fluids to dangerous degrees,” Oxfam said. […]
The conditions present difficulties, especially for menstruating or pregnant women, according to the latest report. Workers could also face medical problems, including urinary tract infections, and managers have told some workers to eat and drink less to avoid going to the bathroom, according to the report.
Naturally the companies in question deny this and say their workers get enough breaks and are allowed to go to the bathroom between breaks. But who do you trust more? High-level corporate flacks guarding the company image, or workers on the production line?
[source: This week in the war on workers: Workers processing your chicken may have to wear diapers]
Donald Trump Can Easily Win in November
Saturday, May 14, 2016
5:18 PM
The liberal base of the Democratic Party, which mostly supports Bernie Sanders, is not at all Ready for Hillary. If the Bernie or Bust movement convinces even a few percentage points worth of Dems to stay home, write in Bernie’s name or vote for Jill Stein, that shortfall of support could be enough to throw the race The Donald’s way.
[source: Donald Trump Can Easily Win in November]
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