No Republican expected Trump to be the Republican nominee. Many claimed they would never support him. Things have changed.
Conservatives Joe Scarborough and Erick Erickson slams Republicans currently supporting Trump
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Erick Erickson, a devoted Conservative Republican did not mince his words in a recent op-ed titled “Damn Them For That” that should give the entire GOP pause. Erickson said the following.
I am a talk radio host. I am a political commentator. I am a writer. I was once a lawyer and once an elected official. I have always voted Republican. I have tried my best at times to justify those things I thought I could justify or ignore those things that should be ignored in the spirit of helping my team and my side. But I have met the proverbial bridge too far with Donald Trump and I am ashamed and horrified at friends of mine and party leaders who will look the other way to justify Donald Trump.
Erickson then articulated a necessary truth about the media. I disagree with Erickson on most policy issues, but one must have respect for those with conviction. After all, the media has used racism to get eyeballs more so than to present the reality to give the impetus for a solution. Trump maligning the judge based on race should not have been a surprise to anyone let alone the media.
These were not racially tinged or racially charged attacks. This was racism plain and simple. The partisan press has long muddied what is and is not racist in this country and now confronted by actual racism cannot bring itself to use the word lest it be judging Trump. The attacks are racist. To claim that someone is unable to objectively and professional perform his job because of his race is racism.
But that was that all. He then went at the core of the Republican Party.
And damn the GOP for its unwillingness to speak up on this. The leaders of the party, confronted by Todd Akin, abandoned ship for his stupid statements on rape and abortion. But the Party of Lincoln intends to circle the wagons around a racist. Damn them for that.
And now there is Joe Scarborough seem to be on the justifiable Trump attack now. This is in stark contrast to what would be inferred from the positions his show took on Donald Trump. Referring to his Republican Party leaders who endorsed Trump, Scarborough said the following.
“They can’t be morally outraged this week when they knew what he was doing last week,” Scarborough said.
Scarborough attempted to correct the impression that he has been either cozying up to Trump or was a supporter by point to an op-ed he wrote questioning Trump’s fitness for the presidency.
Many Conservatives are in CYA mode. They are in ‘I told so’ mode. It is as if they realize they have a mentally unstable overt racist running their party, cultivated by them, and are now trying to disassociate themselves from him.
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