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Donald Trump poll numbers in free fall (VIDEO)

Donald Trump poll numbers in free fall (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s poll numbers are starting to track downward.

Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to fall

Americans are beginning to realize that Donald Trump is not the Trump they thought he was. The current polls clearly reflect this. All In Chris Hayes did a rather prescient segment on Donald’s new reality.

“The American people are simply not buying what Donald Trump is selling,” said Hayes. “In a new CBS poll taken since the attack in Orlando Trump gets intensely negative ratings about his response.”

Chris Hayes pointed out that Trump has a 25/51% approval/disapproval rating for his response. Hillary Clinton has a 34/36% approval/disapproval rating. And President Obama has a 34/44% approval/disapproval rating.

“And it’s not just this one issue,” Hayes said. “It’s the totality of Trump’s candidacy in the recent days and weeks.”

Hayes pointed out that the Washington Post poll showed that Trump’s unfavorability numbers hit a high of 70%. His unfavorability numbers are 77%, 89%, and 94% for women, Hispanics, and African-Americans respectively. Trump is even under water with his most supportive demographic, non-college educated whites.

This all reinforces the recent Bloomberg poll. Hillary is beating Trump 49/37%.

“It’s more evidence of what became clear throughout the primary process,” Hayes said. “The Republican primary electorate is not representative of the American public as a whole. What won over a plurality of those voters,  is deeply unappealing to a majority of the country.”

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